Academic Writing
Journal Articles
2024. (with Linda M. Callejas, Jena Barchas-Lichtenstein and Elena Peeples) "Publics, anthropologies, and public anthropologies." American Anthropologist 126(1): 149-152.
2021. "The Picture as a Moving Image: Visual Politics in Contemporary China." Visual Anthropology Review 37(1): 77-99.
Book Reviews
2022. "Commodities of Care: The Business of HIV Testing in China by Elsa L. Fan." Anthropological Theory 95(3): 715-718.
2020. "Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation: Sovereignty, Witnessing, Repair, by Deborah Thomas.” Transforming Anthropology 28(2): 184-185.
2020. “Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi.” China Review International 27(1): 71-75.
Public Scholarship
2023. "Multispecies Anthropology." American Anthropologist, Virtual Issue.
2023. "Shezidao (社子島) as a Limit Case for Democracy in Taiwan? Perpsectives from Design with Jeffrey Hou." New Bloom Magazine.
2023. “The Limits of Ecological Development: Making Existing Lifeworlds Visible on Taipei's Shezidao.” Taiwan Insight.
2023. "Cultures of Diversity and Inclusion: Anthropological Disruptions." American Ethnologist website, Curated Collection.
2022. "Labors of g0v: Rethinking work from the perspective of data activists." Taiwan Insight, special series on civic tech activist community g0v.
2022. “Pandemic Dwelling.” Visualizing the Virus, Research Cluster. Contributors: Alex Blanchette, Didier Fassin, David Boarder Giles.